National Hotel Reservation Request
Before you make a Reservation Request, Please be sure you have read and understand the Hotel's Reservation Policy.

I have read, understand and accept The National Hotel's Reservation Policy.

You must have read, understand and accept the Hotel's Reservation Policy, or no reservation can be entered for you. You may view the Policy by clicking on the link above.


Please Remember, Mid-Week Specials Cannot Include Friday or  Saturday.

Have You been a Guest at The National Before?
Note: Reservations made within 48 hours of arrival must be confirmed with a phone call. Please provide us a cell phone number or a number where we can reach you to confirm this reservation.


 DoubleTwinQueenCorner QueenQueen SuperiorSuiteHandicap SuiteSkyLight SuiteBest AvailableNo PreferenceSame as Last year
You must Select One

Is Name and Address of Card Holder The Same As Above?

Please do not count this as a guaranteed reservation but rather a request.
If at all possible, we will accommodate your request.
If all is well - we will charge your credit card as noted in the Reservation Policy and a Final Confirmation will be sent to you. No matter what the situation, we will contact you soon. Note: Reservations made within 48 hours of arrival must be confirmed with a phone call. Please give us a cell phone number or a number where we can reach you to confirm this reservation.