Contactless Payments Made Easy with Formsite

Formsite contactless payments

Formsite order forms let people make forms to pay for products and services online. Even for taking orders in person, online forms make it easy to collect payments and send receipts. With tools like Pre-populated forms and integrated payments, Formsite makes contactless payments easy.

As the global pandemic becomes our new normal we have learned that minimizing contact with larger numbers is our only way forward. For many people, though, public interaction is the only way to collect payments. For example, garage sales, flea markets, and storefronts that rely on foot traffic. Also for on-site services like lawn care, contractors, or temporary help. Without a company’s infrastructure, many small and local businesses need ways to collect payments.

Use Online Forms for Contactless Payments

Formsite forms let customers collect payments with no extra hosting or transaction fees. Building forms for collecting payments is as easy as creating an account at PayPal, Stripe, or, then creating the form.

The form needs to contain pricing items to collect the order information, or a Text Field Pricing item to collect the cost. If a record or a receipt needs generating, the form can collect the customer name and email address.

Subscription services or other recurring payments are possible with PayPal and Use the form to set the amount of the recurring payment then set the payment details on the Form Settings -> Payments page.

Steps for Making Online Payment Forms

Build the form

  1. Start by clicking the Create New Form button and choosing a template or blank form
  2. Add Short Answer items to collect name and address information, then an Email Address item to collect the email address
  3. Add items from under the Order Form Items area to assign prices, add tax and coupons, etc. See the Order Form tutorial video for help creating order forms.

Set up the payment processor

  1. Choose either PayPal,, or Stripe
  2. Create an account if needed and complete the steps for completing the registration process

Note that the payment processing services are separate from Formsite and will have fees for each transaction. Formsite does not charge a transaction fee, though.

Connect the form to the payment processor

  1. Go to the form’s Form Settings -> Payments page
  2. Click the button for the payment processor
  3. Follow the steps to authenticate with the processor or enter the account information as needed
  4. Set the payment settings and click Save

Contactless Payment Process

  • Create a form to choose payment options and amounts that sends a Pre-populate link to a separate payment form in a Notification email.
  • The Point Of Sale (POS) has the customer give his/her email address, then the seller chooses the options and cost, then submits the form.
  • The Notification sends to the customer and the customer clicks the Pre-populate link to open and complete the sale.
  • Another Notification can send after the sale as the customer’s receipt.
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