Covid-19 Health Screening & Daily Check-in Forms
The Covid-19 pandemic created the need for a new type of form: The Daily Health Screening. As organizations resume operations, some ask employees to perform a daily self-assessment. Formsite has helped many such organizations develop their check-in and screening forms.

Examples of industries using daily health screenings include:
- Food service: Kitchen staff, servers, anyone who touches food or equipment.
- Public service: Retail, customer service, shipping and receiving.
- Education: Teachers and other essential facility personnel.
Features of Health Screening Forms
Online forms for daily check-in have a few special needs. The common parts include the person’s name and any other identifying information, plus the questions they need to answer. The date, day of week, shift, or some other metric used to identify time is also necessary.
One useful feature for self-assessment forms is conditional rules to show or send information. Forms collecting this information also need to be easily filtered for fast periodic evaluation. For example, the form can ask the employee for their department or supervisor to make reporting easier.
A sample daily check-in form looks like this:
- Name, department, supervisor, etc.
- Date, shift, location, etc.
- Body temperature (in degrees F or C)
- Any respiratory symptoms (yes or no)
If an employee’s body temperature is at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 Celsius, the employee must not enter the premises.
An employee sent home with a fever can return to work when:
- He or she has had no fever for at least three days without taking medication to reduce fever during that time; AND
- Any respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath) have improved; AND
- At least ten days have passed since symptoms began.
The employee may return to work earlier if a doctor confirms the cause of the employee’s fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19. The doctor must supply a written release for the employee to return to work.
Formsite Tools for Check-in Forms
Formsite forms have built-in tools to help form owners create smart online health screening forms:
- Rules show and hide form items or direct to Success Pages based on answers to form questions.
- Success Pages can be easily displayed to allow admittance to buildings or events.
- Basic forms can collect and record the results, then supervisors can see real-time Results Reports.
- Notification emails can send after every result or only when conditions match.
- More complex processes can trigger when needed, like Workflows or Integrations.
Contact our support staff for help designing a process and any questions about Formsite features.