Sub-users or Results Reports: Viewing and Updating Results

Formsite gives account owners many ways to build forms and share results with collaborators. Notifications, Results exports, Workflow, Sub-users, Results Reports, and Save & Return are examples. For viewing and updating results, sometimes account owners don’t know if they need Sub-users or Results Reports.
Sub-users Overview
Sub-users are extra accounts for allowing other people access to the primary Formsite account. An account owner would set up Sub-users for reasons including:
- Giving individuals access to create forms, edit settings, and manage results
- Allowing Sub-users access to specific forms and results while preventing access to others
- Providing result export and deletion permissions
- Tracking user logins and actions like creating forms and deleting results

Sub-users have permissions as either Admins or Limited to Read/Write or Read-only for specific forms and results. There are times when account owners want to give results access to Sub-users without access to the form builder. In those cases, Results Reports may be more appropriate.
Results Reports Overview
Results Reports let form owners create unique links to the form’s Results Table. These links show either the results data or charts for the data, and have settings for filters, views, and more. The link to the results data is the most used and lets viewers see the results with or without a filter applied.

The list of results appears much like the Results Table inside the account with links to view and optionally edit. The form owner either allows or prevents editing results for each Results Report and can make many links with different options.
When to Use Sub-users or Results Reports
Account owners should use Sub-users to allow access to the form builder, form settings, and results. The intended use is to allow teams or other groups of users access to the Formsite account as a whole.
For giving access to only results, the Results Reports is usually more appropriate. There are times when account owners ask how to prevent Sub-users from accessing the form builder. In those cases, using the Results Report is the answer.